Let us take the stress out of documenting your big day.
Whether it's a huge party or a small intimate gathering, you can count on us to capture all of the moments.
Well, most of the moments. Honestly, sometimes we miss a moment, and we ask you to redo it.
Our pricing scheme isn't complicated. We charge an hourly rate, and for that you get a lot of photos, delivered via Pixieset photo album. All the photos are edited, and you'll never see any of the bad ones. For smaller events like a Friday night wedding or an elopement, it's just me. For the big weddings that go all day, we provide two photographers, just to make sure we don't miss what's happening during prep, the actual event, and after.
Pixieset offers a printing service that is affordable and honestly really good, even up here in Canada. But you don't have to use them if you don't want to. Once we deliver the images to you, you can download, share, print, edit, whatever you want to do. Please tell your friends about how great we are, though. If we get a referral, there may be a little something coming your way as well!
We're not going to try to upsell you, hit you with a pitch or try to conceal our pricing. Click on the button below to check out how much we'll charge for our services. If the price is too high (or too low!) please do reach out. A lot of folks' events fall in between our two offerings, or have special circumstances - just ask and we'll honestly tell you if we can work with you.

Older weddings and second shooting
Some of these photos go back more than ten years - others were done as a second shooter, and some were shot with the help of future wedding clients. Every one awesome, every one a treasured memory for our clients. And lightsabers and axes oh my!