Ice Storm of 2023

It was a normal Wednesday - temps hovering around zero, the rain froze when it hit things... and built up into a shell of ice that took out a whole lot of trees. I feel like it would have been worse but for the Derecho wind storm that hit us last Spring - I think the weakest trees were culled at that time.

We were out of power for about 47 hours - it went out in the afternoon of the Wednesday and came back in the afternoon of the Friday. Our house temp dropped to 15c overnight the first night and to 13c overnight the second night. We have a gas-powered hot water tank and lots of camping cooking accessories, so we did ok.

Our bun Mei seemed unaffected by the cold house, getting more and more spherical as the says went by.

I spent those days hand-drawing maps for a home role playing game, and did some reading by headlamp.