That's all the weddings for 2024!

I photographed 11 weddings in 2024, a personal high. Most of them took place in May-June and Sep-Oct. I did two assisting Francyne Dufault, three assisting Nathalie Vaillant and 6 of my own, four of which were assisted by Francyne Dufault.

The vast majority took place in country venues; sugar bushes, heritage homes and converted barns. One was in a back yard and another at City Hall. What does that mean for wedding venues? It's hard to generalize, but I think in-city event spaces have priced themselves out of my clients' price ranges. That's ok, I like the clients in my price range.

You can find Nathalie's work on Instagram - look for vaillant.nathalie. She is based in Gatineau, and does amazing work.

Francyne is my big sister, and she lives in Midland, Ontario - far from me! We do a big drive to assist each others' weddings. You can find her on Instagram at Francyne_Photography. She also is amazing, but don't tell her I said that.